Old Friends in New Places
We made a quick stopover in Kuala Lumpur on our way to Indonesia - just two days to see the city and reunite with some old friends. Eric was my neighbor growing up. He moved into the house next door on Idlebrook when I was three and he was four. From then on, I have very few childhood memories that don't include him, good and bad. He gave my sisters and I grief and my dad relief from life with three girls. I still can hear him saying "hey neighbor" as he walked in our front door (without knocking of course) to check in or watch sports with my dad. He was afraid of the boogie monster and we got married in his backyard when I was five. Luckily his other (a.k.a. real) wife is understanding and also a friend from my Lakewood Forest days. Awkwardness avoided.
We hadn't seen each other in over a decade, so long in fact that the first words I said to Eric were, "oh my gosh, you're voice is so deep!" But, Eric and Shannon welcomed us with open arms and, graciously, an open bedroom in their beautiful KL apartment.
Thanks for showing us the best of your city. And congratulations on the twins. I'm sure it will be nothing but joy and payback ;).